H. G. Wells’s Time Machine: A Fear Of The Unknown

This book is full of hidden meanings, metaphors and allusions. Many details were too important to ignore. The book was full of hidden metaphors about how our society runs and the social structure. The Time Traveler, when he visits the future, notices how one of the species relies on basic gathering skills for survival. Eloi are also laziness, but fed well by a flourishing environment due to lack of “humans” contact. The Morlocks are a threat to them. Morlocks is the name of another species living in this futuristic landscape. They are not dependent on nature for their food. Instead, they live underground in wells and feed on Eloi. This relationship can be compared to our modern society’s upper and low classes. The rich often appear to be unaware of the sufferings and needs of the poor. They have food, shelter, and even a surplus of these things. The poorer classes are left to depend on the protection, care and assistance of the wealthy.

The book I read was very interesting. Instead of describing characters by their physical appearance, they describe them using their mannerisms and levels of knowledge. This can be used by the author to give the impression that the character is intelligent, rather than focusing on his physical appearance. Titles of people also change a lot. I think the titles are an important aspect of this story and they are always changing because their importance is increasing. The narrator in this book, who i assume to be the Time Traveler says that we’ll simply call him Filby. This makes me think “Filby”, may not actually be his name. Or if the characters are real. The book changes the name of The Time Traveler from The Time Inventor. I think that each title in the book is a reflection of the most significant detail about a character. In the beginning of this book, the Inventor creates the Time Machine. It is his most important accomplishment to date. Therefore, he gets the title “The Inventor”. As soon as he starts to use the machine and actually travel in time, the Time Traveler becomes his new name. The same thing can be observed in the society of today, where people are known most for their accomplishments and things that stand out about them. Your peers may call you “that dancing guy” if they know you for your dance talent. If you’re well-known for your basketball ability, then you might be called “that kid who is really good”. These titles define each character, much like we define ourselves. The scene when The Time Traveler sees the Morlocks cooking one of Eloi for dinner, was what I found to be the most poignant part of the novel. As he flees, he is chased at high speeds. “[The odor] of freshly shedblood was inthe air. There was a table made out of white metal, on which was laid a plate of food. While I stood in darkness, I felt a touch. Later some long fingers touched my face. This is done by describing events and feelings. It’s also one of my favourite scenes because of how much action is happening. Many people can relate to this scene because they have found themselves in unfamiliar situations. The fear is not necessarily in the details but more in the overall feeling.


  • michaellang

    Michael Lang is a 33-year-old professor and blogger who is passionate about writing. He has been blogging for over 7 years and has written for various online publications. Michael is also a seasoned professor who has taught at the college level for over a decade. He is currently a professor of English at a community college in the Midwest.