Heroes In The Play Antigone

Antigone from the Sophocles play Antigone was just like Malala. Antigone knew exactly what she would do and refused to let anyone hinder her. Antigone also shares Malala’s conviction that there are still other rules of justice outside of the norm. Antigone believes that god’s laws will be more significant in the future than Creon’s. Antigone buried Creon, despite Creon’s declaration that his Polyneices wouldn’t be buried. She did so knowing the consequences of her actions. Malala shows the same courage as Antigone. Both women were around the age of Antigone and had similar gender, yet they both achieved something most people in their respective societies might not have done. Antigone as well as Malala were both willing to risk their life and stand up in support of what they believed was right.

Malala Yousafzai stands up against men and world leaders who are stronger than her. But she won’t stop a young girl from speaking out for something greater than herself. Malala thinks that everyone should have an opportunity to become educated. She feels it is their right. Malala states in her Nobel address that terrorists attacked her and her friends on our 2012 school bus. But their ideas and bullets couldn’t win.

Malala shares the same optimism and openness as Antigone. She couldn’t see why young girls should be taught in the exact same manner as young boys. Malala’s administration views women similarly to Creon, in Antigone. And we can see like Antigone, Malala has a belief that change is possible, with benefits. Antigone, like Malala, is a very stubborn woman who will not give up. So, for example, you might say, “Well: When my strength is gone, I won’t do anything more.” Malala’s nobel address begins with “This is my beginning, but I won’t stop here.” “I will fight this battle until I see all children in school.”

Malala is a hero, as are Antigone. Both women are strong and independent, who fight for something larger than themselves because they believe that change will come. Antigone is a woman who was way ahead of the times. She was a feminist long before feminist theory became popular. Malala fights in an age where women can already learn. She wants to make the voices and concerns of thousands of girls heard in order to ensure that they are not denied an education.


  • michaellang

    Michael Lang is a 33-year-old professor and blogger who is passionate about writing. He has been blogging for over 7 years and has written for various online publications. Michael is also a seasoned professor who has taught at the college level for over a decade. He is currently a professor of English at a community college in the Midwest.